Ivory Coast Times

Ivory Coast Times


Côte d’Ivoire-AIP / The strike of the Water and Forestry agents followed in Mankono

The three-day strike called by the trade union federation of water and forests of Ivory Coast (FESEFCI) is widely followed in Mankono, found the AIP.

This Tuesday, June 1 st morning, the agents on duty at the direction of water and forests of Mankono, wearing civilian clothes, refused to open the offices, for, they say, “to observe a cessation of work in accordance with their union umbrella , FESEFCI.

The strike was observed calmly, without clashes, without demonstration or parade. According to the explanations of Lieutenant Atsé Marius, the agents demand that their internal management, made up of quarterly bonuses, be converted into cash funds for better management.

By correspondence of July 10, 2019, the Minister of Water and Forests Alain Richard Donwahi had requested that the management of receipts and special advances be set up in cash with the Ministry of the Economy and Finance without any concrete reform. gives a favorable response to this request.

Lieutenant Atsé Marius hoped that this request wanted by FESEFCI and their supervisory ministry be satisfied for the betterment of the agents. “There are entries which emanate from water and forests and which are supposed to enter the state coffers. Unfortunately this is not always the case. This project to erect the revenue authority in cash would be a boon for everyone, ”he explains.

The strike is expected to last until Thursday, according to notice.

Source: Agence Ivoirienne de presse