Ivory Coast Times

Ivory Coast Times


Côte d’Ivoire-AIP / Launch of a study on the factors limiting the contribution of EPICs to their budget

The chief of staff of the president of the High Authority for Good Governance (HABG), Bakari Traoré, launched a study on Thursday June 10, 2021 to identify the factors that limit the contribution of public industrial and commercial establishments (EPIC) to the financing of their budget, within the framework of the reinforcement of the mechanism of fight against corruption and similar offenses.

This study will concern 17 EPICs in the fields of health, agriculture, environment, infrastructure, transport, printing, training, culture and tourism. It will take stock of the financing of the operating budget of EPICs, analyze their structure and evolution of contributions from their own resources and review budget transparency instruments.

“We were given a mandate to analyze the factors that limit the contributions of EPICs to the financing of their budget. In fact, the basic problem is that there are some who can achieve 60% of their budget as required by law n ° 2020-627 of August 14, 2020 which sets the general rules relating to EPICs. But with the mechanism in place does not help them. We will analyze the performance of these structures, identify the risks of corruption, ”explained the spokesperson for the African Office for Capacity Building (BARCO) in charge of the study, Prof. Bénié Kouadio, during the launch workshop. of this report, to the HABG, in Abidjan.

This study follows on from the “chronic real or feigned” weakness of EPICs noted by reports, which also constitutes a weakening of the financial autonomy of these entities and which can favor the aggravation of the non-respect of budgetary sincerity and therefore that of transparency . According to Mr. Kouadio, these reports reveal attempts at corruption in revenue collections and a lack of revenue traceability.

On behalf of the president of the HABG, Bakari Traoré encouraged all the stakeholders to provide the experts in charge of the study with their support for the successful completion of this study.

Source: Agence Ivoirienne de Presse