Ivory Coast Times

Ivory Coast Times


Côte d’Ivoire-AIP / Focus on the 1st virtual world summit on rubber in Abidjan

The first virtual world summit on rubber, opened on Tuesday June 8, 2021, in Abidjan, by the Ivorian Prime Minister, Patrick Achi, around the theme “Confronting the future: inclusiveness, sustainability and growth for the new normal ”, addresses several issues led by high-level experts.

Three inaugural conferences followed the official opening of the summit in the presence of the Prime Minister, the Minister of State, Minister of Agriculture and Sustainable Development, Kobenan Kouassi Adjoumani, the Minister of Trade and Industry, Souleymane Diarrasouba, the president of the president of the International Rubber Study Group (IRSG), Aly Touré and the president of the association of rubber professionals (APROMAC), Eugène Krémien.

They relate respectively to “Economic recovery and sustainability: in search of balance”, “sustainable growth: redefining collaboration and“ commodities: market dynamics and post-crisis resilience ”.

Two panels on “From resilience to economic recovery: are we on the right track?” “And” Productivity and quality: a win-win duo for Africa “as well as three conferences” SafetyNet and sustainability: what contribution from producers “,” What can Africa do to improve practices and incomes “and” l ‘Ivorian rubber cultivation: achievements and transformation towards a green approach ‘were the points of discussion on Wednesday 9 June.

Four other conferences on “Climate change adaptation: resilience in action”, “Sustainable financing – going beyond”, “Opportunities in the rubber industry: management of the risk linked to the price of natural rubber” and “Digital technology and innovation: mitigation and adaptation through monitoring from planting ”and a panel on“ Adaptation to climate change and mitigation: from planting to marketing ”were hosted on Thursday 10 June.

The highlight of the summit, Friday, June 11, will be dedicated to five conferences and a panel before the closing ceremony. The themes are respectively “An overview of synthetic rubber and butademe in a new era of the automotive industry”, “Raising the level of ecological commitment of the rubber economy: traceability of the raw material, a prerequisite for supply responsible”.

Also “Empowering village planters for inclusive growth: capacity building in Côte d’Ivoire”, “Strengthening the capacities of women and young people in the rubber industry” and “Inclusiveness, sustainability and growth for the new normal”.

Mr. Krémien welcomed the choice of Côte d’Ivoire to host this summit on Thursday. The rubber industry, he stressed, has shown strong resilience despite the Covid-19 health crisis, not without expressing its gratitude to the government for its institutional support to this sector which is now an inter-professional agricultural organization (OIA), “the immediate interlocutor of the State ”.

“A long way has been done. We must stay the course so that within two years, Côte d’Ivoire ranks third in the world, and achieves the second and third transformation, where there is added value, ”he said. optimistic.

Source: Agence Ivoirienne de Presse