Ivory Coast Times

Ivory Coast Times

Press Releases

Treinamento JES3plus agora disponível através do Catálogo do Curso Mainframe da Interskill Learning

Especialista de Mainframe IBM — JES3plus Experienced 1.1 — Interskill — IBM Digital Credential

Credencial Digital Autorizada da IBM obtida após a conclusão do curso JES3plus

Emblema digital autorizado da IBM concedido na conclusão do treinamento JES3plus

EL SEGUNDO, Califórnia, Feb. 01, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Interskill Learning, fornecedora independente líder de treinamento de mainframe online, e a Phoenix Software International, Inc., anunciaram hoje o lançamento de um currículo do curso JES3plus. O JES3plus, desenvolvido pela Phoenix Software International, Inc., é um trabalho com base no z/OS® JES3 que oferece um caminho a seguir para empresas que desejam permanecer na tecnologia JES3 em vez de fazer uma conversão dispendiosa e potencialmente arriscada de JES2. z/OS 2.5, a última versão do sistema operacional, é a mais recente a incluir JES3. Após a conclusão do curso, os alunos receberão um Emblema Digital Autorizado da IBM — JES3plus Experienced 1.1.

Os clientes JES3plus e empresas JES3 que planejam sua migração para JES3 plus se beneficiarão do acesso ao treinamento para funcionários existentes e novas contratações. Os designers do curso da Interskill trabalharam em estreita colaboração com a equipe de desenvolvimento de JES3plus da Phoenix Software para fornecer treinamento detalhado online e sob demanda de JES3plus para o pessoal do mainframe. O curso é apropriado para programadores de aplicativos, programadores de sistema e operadores de sistema.

O currículo de formação de JES3plus é composto por cinco módulos:

  • Introdução ao JES3plus
  • Trabalho com o JES3plus
  • Monitoramento do ambiente JES3 plus
  • Definição do ambiente JES3plus
  • Interação do aplicativo com o JES3plus

Informações detalhadas sobre o curso JES3plus e cada módulo estão disponíveis no site Phoenix Software.

A IBM oferece uma Credencial Digital Autorizada da IBM oficial que é obtida após a conclusão dos cinco módulos JES3plus. O IBM Digital Badge Program oferece uma referência reconhecida, respeitada e valorizada para conhecimento e habilidades de mainframe Z na indústria global de computação de mainframe.

Ed Jaffe, Diretor de Tecnologia da Phoenix Software International, disse: “Nossa equipe JES3plus realmente gostou da parceria com a Interskill. Com a nossa parceria, aprendemos em primeira mão porque eles são considerados a verdadeira fonte de treinamento de mainframe em todo o mundo. Os talentosos desenvolvedores de cursos da Interskill fizeram um ótimo trabalho aproveitando nossas décadas de conhecimento em JES3 para criar um currículo de e-learning que seja uma base sólida para os mainframers que trabalham em oficinas JES3plus.”

Darren Surch, COO da Interskill Learning, disse: “A JES3 é fundamental para muitas empresas de mainframe e essa colaboração com a Phoenix Software nos permite aproveitar a notável profundidade e amplitude de conhecimento da sua equipe para fornecer treinamento de qualidade, perspicaz e sob demanda do importante produto JES3plus. Estamos entusiasmados em incluir este curso excepcional no vasto currículo de treinamento de mainframe online da Interskill.”

Sobre a Interskill Learning

A Interskill Learning (https://www.interskill.com) é provedora líder de treinamento de mainframe IBM Z. A empresa desenvolve, fornece e apoia a ampla gama de componentes modernos de treinamento de força de trabalho de mainframe Z, e oferece treinamento de mainframe global de amplo espectro durante todo o ano para o pessoal de mainframe.

Sobre a Phoenix Software International

A Phoenix Software International, Inc., (https://www.phoenixsoftware.com/) é uma empresa de desenvolvimento de software de sistemas que fornece aplicativos de software avançados para empresas em todo o mundo. A empresa oferece uma ampla gama de soluções para atender os desafios das empresas modernas.

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Press Releases

Zoom Elevates Platform Experience with Launch of Zoom Apps and Zoom Events Zoom Drives Innovation of Video Communications with New Solutions to Empower the Hybrid Workforce SAN JOSE, Calif., July 21, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Zoom Video Communications, Inc. (NASDAQ: ZM) today announced the general availability of its latest innovations, Zoom Apps and Zoom Events. Zoom Apps seamlessly embeds third-party apps within the Zoom Meetings and desktop client experience, enhancing collaboration, productivity, and entertainment for today’s hybrid workforce. Zoom Events is an all-in-one platform for creating a wide range of interactive and immersive virtual events to reach and engage audiences. “I’m thrilled to see our platform vision expand through Zoom Apps and Zoom Events, as the world embraces hybrid work, empowering the workforce today and into the future,” said Eric S. Yuan, Founder and CEO of Zoom. “These innovations will enhance the ways in which we connect and collaborate with our colleagues, clients, friends, family members, and others, improving productivity and collaboration while maintaining elements of fun and well-being.” “Zoom Apps and Zoom Events are critical components in broadening Zoom’s offering and reach,” said Roopam Jain, Vice President, Information and Communications Technologies at Frost & Sullivan. “These solutions empower users to accomplish more with video communications and are a testament to Zoom’s focus of enabling customers to create and grow businesses entirely on its platform—whether through applications, integrations, events, or other services.” Bringing Your Favorite Apps to the Zoom Platform Zoom Apps expands the offerings of the Zoom App Marketplace, which already hosts over 1,500 third-party integrations. With Zoom Apps, you can boost productivity and stay focused on your workflows by incorporating your favorite apps into your meetings. There are over 50 Zoom Apps available now, ranging from enterprise to consumer use cases—including whiteboarding, project management, note-taking, and video games, with more in development and available soon. A few Zoom Apps currently available include: Asana: Host purposeful meetings with the ability to create in-meeting action items and next steps beforehand so your teams are always moving forward with clarity. You can also create, edit, and assign tasks, all without leaving your Zoom meeting. Dot Collector: The Dot Collector app allows everyone in a meeting to share their perspective through real-time feedback and polling. Dots are systematically collected, shared and preserved enabling adjustments to be made in the moment and over time. The Dot Collector app fosters more inclusive collaboration, transparency, and meaningful relationships among colleagues, while empowering individuals with insights that help them to unlock their full potential. Dropbox Spaces: Get more out of your meetings with the Dropbox Spaces app for Zoom. Keep everyone on the same page by collaborating in real time in a single shared workspace before, during, and after Zoom Meetings. Heads Up!: Heads Up! is a fun and hilarious game by Ellen DeGeneres. Heads Up! is the perfect party game to play with your colleagues and friends, and is a fun way to pass time with your coworkers while waiting for meetings to start. The app is developed for Zoom by Ellen Digital and Playco. SurveyMonkey Enterprise by Momentive: Drive more engaging and inclusive meetings with in-the-moment feedback from surveys and polls available directly within the Zoom meeting experience. Capture optimal stakeholder insights from customers, employees, patients—any meeting attendees. Take action to increase employee engagement, improve the customer or patient experience, and make remote meetings more productive. Wellness That Works by WW: Wellness that Works by WW, a leader in weight loss and wellness, helps users move more, eat better and shift their mindset with push notifications to stand and stretch, along with a hydration tracker, mindset tools, and go-to recipes. Wellness that Works reinforces WW’s credentials in behavior change science by helping users build and maintain healthy habits wherever they are… even in meetings! Improving the Hybrid and Virtual Event Experiences Zoom Events gives organizations the power to create engaging hybrid and virtual experiences. Zoom Events enables large and small businesses alike to seamlessly manage and host back-to-back event sessions from sales summits, customer events, trade shows, and internal events. Zoom Events offers features such as event hubs, dedicated corporate virtual event spaces, customizable registration, and networking through a chat-enabled virtual event lobby. Zoom Events also allows event-specific reporting around registration, attendance, and ticket sales. Zoom will be hosting its annual user conference, Zoomtopia, and Zoom Academy, on Zoom Events this year. OnZoom, the consumer-focused Zoom Events solution, helps brands and small businesses reach a consumer audience by creating, hosting, and monetizing events, including fitness and cooking classes, theatrical presentations, and more. OnZoom will remain in beta and serve as a place where small businesses and entrepreneurs can host and publish events to our public event directory. More Information To learn more about Zoom Apps, please visit the Zoom Apps page and read our blog detailing how Zoom Apps is bringing critical business applications directly within Zoom meetings. To learn more about Zoom Events, please visit the Zoom Events page and read our blog detailing how Zoom Events allows the seamless creation and management of virtual events of any size. About Zoom Zoom is for you. We help you express ideas, connect to others, and build toward a future limited only by your imagination. Our frictionless communications platform is the only one that started with video as its foundation, and we have set the standard for innovation ever since. That is why we are an intuitive, scalable, and secure choice for individuals, small businesses, and large enterprises alike. Founded in 2011, Zoom is publicly traded (NASDAQ:ZM) and headquartered in San Jose, California. Visit zoom.com and follow @zoom. Zoom Public Relations Farshad Hashmatulla Product PR Manager press@zoom.us