Ivory Coast Times

Ivory Coast Times


The topics to be discussed at the town hall meetings include housing delivery,

Erongo Governor Neville Andre Itope has emphasised the importance of effective governance as a critical component for socio-economic development and social cohesion.

The governor highlighted the need for robust, accountable and transparent institutions; delivering quality services; protecting people’s freedoms and effectively combating corruption to build an inclusive society, for effective governance.

Itope was speaking in Swakopmund yesterday during the first of many town hall meetings scheduled for all seven constituencies in the region.

Accordingly, the town hall meetings are being conducted with the main purpose of giving feedback to the community on Central Government, Regional and Local Government activities and to listen to communities on how offices, ministries and agencies can improve service delivery in the region.

The governor added that suggestion boxes will also be set up in all constituency offices in the region, where citizens can air their views on issues affecting them, and these will be responded to.

The topics to be discussed at the town hall meetings include housing delivery, sanitation, health, infrastructure development, roads, health, schools, water and electricity.

Source: The Namibian Press Agency