Ivory Coast Times

Ivory Coast Times


The headmaster of the Barou Adjéhi Valentin modern high school in Tabou, Laciné Fofana, instructed

Thursday, the various class delegates of his establishment on personal hygiene and a maintenance program and embellishment of the environmental framework of the establishment which will be implemented with the help of the students.

Mr. Fofana instructed the delegates, during a meeting, by indicating that bodily and environmental cleanliness contributes to preserving health and helps to have good studies and have good school results.

The maintenance program will consist of planting trees and flowers instead of weeds to beautify the environment of the establishment and make it more pleasant and conducive to studies. Educators are responsible for helping students better organize themselves for its implementation.

The principal asked the delegates to get involved in raising awareness by transmitting the message in the different classes.

The front and the surroundings of the administration have already been adorned with oil palms and royal palms. The principal’s objective is to extend this operation within the establishment of 4,000 students divided into around forty teaching classes, for around sixty teachers.

Source: Agence Ivoirienne de Presse