Ivory Coast Times

Ivory Coast Times


Rosh Pinah hosts RoshSkor Career Fair

About 500 learners from a school in Rosh Pinah attended the RoshSkor Township 2023 career fair on Friday.

Among the attendees were learners from Tsau||Khaeb Secondary School, Hoeksteen Primary School, and Rosh Pinah Academy.

Indira Shilongo, the Roshskor Administration and Development Manager, mentioned that the two-day career fair serves as part of the company’s social responsibility towards the Rosh Pinah community. The aim is to expose school learners in the town to career diversity.

“I believe we have achieved our aim because now learners know what is out there and how they can access what is out there because access is usually the most challenging thing. As much as we are in an urban area, access to information or services is more like we are in a rural area. That is why there are not a lot of service providers here, and hence we decided to bring these institutions and individuals,” she said.

Roshskor plans to make the event an annual occurrence, and guest speakers from the University of Namibia, Namibia University of Science and Technology (NUST) and Rosh Pinah Zinc Mine graced the event.

In an interview with Nampa, NUST career guidance practitioner, Michael Kisting, said, “It is important that our learners are guided into careers that they are passionate about, and that process needs to start at an early stage in their lives. Career guidance will help the learners make informed decisions. We can encourage them to go for a career field that is not saturated, as many others did.”

Laimi Nanyemba, Principal of Tsau||Khaeb Secondary School, emphasised that every learner must be guided when it comes to choosing a career. While life skills teachers offer guidance at schools, career fairs are needed as learners have a platform to interact with the experts themselves and the institutions on higher education.

“Such events do not happen regularly here. We are glad that the organizers decided to bring this opportunity to the learners. I am sure to them it was an eye-opener in terms of what subjects they will choose and what credit points they need to offer to ensure they get into these institutions,” she stressed.

Fatima Kapumburu, an advanced subsidiary learner at Tsau||Khaeb Secondary School, said the event boosted her confidence in terms of what career she will pursue next year.

“This has actually made me much more confident about my career choice. I am sticking to the fact that I want to do teaching. We appreciate the organizers bringing these institutions here,” she added.

Source: The Namibian Press Agency