Ivory Coast Times

Ivory Coast Times


Reprieve As School Girls Receive Sanitary Towels

The Rotary Club Kitengela has donated sanitary towels to Standard eight and Grade six girls in G.K Prison Primary School in Kitengela.

Speaking while issuing the pads, Kitengela Rotary Club President Daniel Wanjuki said that the donation will help the learners to concentrate on revision for their forthcoming national examinations.

‘Sanitary hygiene is a crucial aspect of the students welfare so when we issue them with the sanitary towels, we expect them to have an easier time during the exam, since they will be more relaxed and will not have the pressure of having to deal with menstrual issues and examinations at the same time,’ said Wanjuki.

Wanjuki revealed that Kitengela Rotary club will also extend the same gesture to girls in Noonkopir and Dr. Likimani Primary Schools which are also in Kitengela.

‘Working with the school management, we will also provide meals for the students during the entire exam period so that their welfare is fully catered for during the examination period,’ he said.

Kitengela G.K Prison headteacher, Jeremiah Maloi appreciated Rotary Club Kitengela for their kind gesture saying it is timely given that majority of the learners come from humble backgrounds hence are unable to afford sanitary towels.

‘Most of my learners come from humble families and they usually miss school and examinations when having their menses due to lack of sanitary towels. Am happy that they will now be comfortable during the examination period. With the provision of meals too, it will boost our performance,’ said Maloi.

Apart from the sanitary towels, the Kitengela Rotary club also had motivational talk to motivate and encourage the learners.

Data from the Ministry of Education shows that a girl who misses school for four days in 28 days loses 13 learning days equivalent to two weeks of learning in every school term.

This implies that in an academic year which is 9 months, a girl loses 39 learning days equivalent to six weeks of learning time.

Source: Kenya News Agency