Ivory Coast Times

Ivory Coast Times


Process To Restore Normal Internet Services In The Country Commences

Communications Authority of Kenya (CA) has announced the commencement of recovery process to restore normal internet services in the country after interruption by deep sea fibre cuts.

‘Yesterday, the Authority received reports on intermittent data outages and traffic jam on the submarine cable Internet traffic flow into the country,’ CA Director-General and CEO, David Mugonyi said in a statement to newsrooms.

Mugonyi said that upon engaging the relevant industry players, the Authority has established that a deep-sea fibre cut had occurred on the Mtunzini teleport station, affecting a number of submarine cables serving Kenya, including Seacom and the East African Submarine System (Eassy).

‘We wish to inform individual and corporate consumers that the recovery process has since commenced but internet intermittency and slow speeds may remain in the coming few days, before services are fully restored,’ said Mugonyi.

‘Meanwhile, the Authority has directed service providers to take proactive steps to secure alt
ernative routes for their traffic and is monitoring the situation closely, to ensure that incoming and outbound internet connectivity is available,’ he stated.

He explained that the East Africa Marine System (TEAMS) cable, which has not been affected by the cut, was currently being utilized for local traffic flow, while redundancy on the South Africa route has been activated to minimize the impact.

Source: Kenya News Agency