Ivory Coast Times

Ivory Coast Times


Oranjemund Private School and Suiderlig Secondary School shine at regional science fair

The Oranjemund Private School and Suiderlig Secondary School were awarded the top primary and secondary schools respectively, at the ||Kharas Region Science Fair which ended here on Friday.

The science fair started at Keetmanshoop on Wednesday and the two schools each walked away with a microscope voucher worth N.dollars 14 000, donated by the Anglo Foundation and the Debmarine-Namdeb Foundation.

From the 104 projects presented at the fair, Likius Ashipala from Suiderlig Secondary School was the overall winner of the science fair and walked away with a laptop, after showcasing an electricity tampering sensor device that sense and detect illegal tampering of electricity

Ashipala in an interview with Nampa said: “I did this because even though electricity companies are doing their best to protect their properties from illegal connections while delivering electricity to the nation such activities still happen.”

This device can detect illegal activities and at the same time, notify the electricity company. The device uses senses that are beyond human hearing, so things that human can hear it will pick up vibration and detection, he added.

Ashipala was also awarded overall winner for the senior secondary category.

Joy Linane from Oranjemund Private School took the Junior Primary overall winner award, while David Halweendo from Ambrorius Hamutenya Primary School and Summer Mature from Oranjemund Private School shared the senior primary overall winner award.

Speaking at the closing ceremony, the science fair chief judge, Connie Willemse urged schools to invest more in the science fair at their respective school in order to prepare learners for the regional fair.

“Schools let’s invest more in the science fair as it offers a learning experience for the learners. To the learners even if today you don’t walk away with an award let this be a learning opportunity for you to do different next time, you can be second best this time but you can come back next year and be your best,” she said.

Meanwhile, 12 learners were chosen to represent the region at the national science fair taking place in September in Windhoek.

Source: The Namibian Press Agency