Ivory Coast Times

Ivory Coast Times


Nyamira County Goes Cashless On Revenue Collection

Nyamira Governor Amos Nyaribo has decreed an immediate change of revenue remittance from cash payments to remittance by use of Unstructured Supplementary Service Data (USSD) code.

In a press release Thursday, Nyaribo directed that revenue payment will be made through a USSD code *546#, M-Pesa pay bill number 004646, or by use of existing Nyamira County government bank accounts.

‘We have failed to meet our annual revenue targets time and again because the cash remittance mode of revenue payment has numerous loopholes for stealing collected cash through corrupt deals while other traders dodge remitting their revenue dues and secretly buy off unscrupulous revenue collectors,’ Nyaribo explained.

‘Beginning Friday 9th of this month, I hereby order that all revenue payments including parking fees, cess, single business permits, stall rent, land rates, and any other bills and invoices will be paid through the USSD code provided or existing Nyamira bank accounts.’ Nyaribo directed.

He confirmed that the county ha
s revamped its revenue management system to monitor collection from all revenue sources in real time to help the county achieve its revenue potential. He challenged all staff assigned the duties of revenue collection to execute their duties firmly to increase revenue collection because it is part of their performance contracting.

The county boss emphasized that the directive is geared towards improving transparency and accountability which will boost revenue collection to be utilized to improve service delivery in all sectors in the county.

Nyaribo appealed to the people of Nyamira to embrace the cashless mode of revenue remittance to help implement development projects in the county.

Source: Kenya News Agency