Ivory Coast Times

Ivory Coast Times


Neighboring Military Officers Laud Ethiopia’s Commitment for Continental Peace, Security

Addis Ababa: Neighboring African military officers emphasized Ethiopia’s exceptional contribution to the continent’s peace and security, which goes back to the African liberation movement.

Defense War College of Ethiopia graduated military officers from Ethiopia, Kenya, South Sudan, Somaliland, Tanzania, Uganda and Burundi.

The officers attended short and long term courses in military security and strategic leadership fields.

Speaking to ENA, the graduates commended Ethiopia for its strong collaboration with the neighboring countries in the field of military and its longstanding support to the freedom of African countries..

Kenyan Brigadier General Osald Odour Opiyo said that the training he received in the college for ten months he has provided him enormous skills and experiences to effectively fulfill his country’s obligations.

The War College also enabled him to understand and learn the wisdom of Ethiopians in achieving black victory against Italian colonizer at the battle of Adwa, he added, noting th
at the training will further strengthen regional and continental cooperation in response to peace and security threats of the region like terrorism.

Moreover, he hailed Ethiopia’s contribution for regional and continental peace since the reigme of Emperor Haile Selassie, playing a great role in establishing the organization of African Unity to ensure peace and security and supporting anti colonial struggles in Africa.

‘The role of Ethiopia in peace and security goes back to many years. Emperor Haile Selassie’s contribution for providing training grounds for a few of African liberation forces gave a lot of African countries independence…’

Ethiopia’s Pan-Africanism movement dated back to the struggle for colonial independence and the nation is currently carrying out its mission of fighting against terrorism by deploying its peacekeeping mission, Brigadier General Opiyo stressed.

South Sudanese Colonel Mangong Anyijong Dut on his part said he has received the knowledge of military security and strategic lead
ership in theory and practice at the college.

The knowledge and experience of military leadership he has earned in the college will help him to strengthen regional and continental cooperation among African countries, he added.

Ethiopia is a great country that has been playing an important and positive role in African affairs, he said, lauding the country for its commitment to the issues of continental freedom, peace and security in all regimes since Emperor Haile Selassie.

Ethiopia provided support for Nelson Mandela, Kwame Nkurumah and other African leaders in fight against colonial struggle in Africa, he explained, adding that the successive regimes after Emperor Haile Selassie also supported South Sudan for its independence that demonstrates Ethiopia’s commitment for continental freedom, peace and security.

‘Ethiopia’s role in African issues is always vital and positive. Its role started long time ago, he said.

Colonel Ahmed Aideed Omer of Somaliland on his part expressed gratitude to the Ethiopian go
vernment, the National Defense Force and the War College for the opportunities provided for him that would enhance his military capacity of his country and he recalled that he had previously received training at the Hurso Contingent Military Training School of Ethiopia.

He added that Ethiopia is a great nation that has been playing a constructive role in maintaining the peace and security of the region by combating against terrorism.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency