Ivory Coast Times

Ivory Coast Times


Multi-Agency Team Recovers Firearm In Transmara

Narok County Commissioner Reuben Lotiatia has announced a recovery by a multi-agency team of an AK47 firearm allegedly abandoned during conflicts between warring clans along the Nkararo-Enoosaen border in Transmara.

Speaking during a crackdown on illicit brews in Narok East, Lotitia confirmed that the security team recovered the firearm during the ongoing operation in the area to address the situation.

The County Commisioner also said that they arrested three suspects in a Probox car that was loaded with 14 arrows, four bows, and 4 studded clubs but its driver managed to escape.

Lotiatia said the three suspects are in police custody while the search for the driver continues, as they await to be charged.

However, the administrator reiterated that security officers will not relent in ensuring that sanity and the rule of law prevail in the area.

He urged the area residents to maintain peace and allow the security team to carry on with their operation in order to maintain peace.

Source: Kenya News Agency