Ivory Coast Times

Ivory Coast Times


Mombasa Holds International Festivals To Boost Tourism

Mombasa County is hosting the Mombasa international festivals as a way of showcasing the coastal cultural heritage and market the county as the best tourist destination.

The event will run from December 25 to December 31, 2023 at Mama Ngina Waterfront Park.

The seven days of fun and entertainment will be characterized by live performance, food bazaar, children funfair, corporates/SMEs sales and exhibitions, cultural acts and graffiti artists among others.

While addressing the media on the level of preparedness for the event, Mombasa Deputy County Commissioner Ronald Mwiwawi said that all is set for the festivals and assured both local and international tourists of their safety.

Mwiwawi noted that security personnel in collaboration with the county government have laid out measures to ensure adequate security for everyone visiting the county for the holidays.

He further warned criminals posing as boda boda riders to rob innocent Kenyans that this time round they don’t stand a chance, since tight security
measures had been enacted.

‘Anybody arrested for robbing others will face the full force the law. I urge you to show love to our visitors and the less privileged members of the society since coastal residents are known for their kindness, let us not lose the honor this city is known for,’ said Mwiwai.

The deputy county commissioner asked holiday makers to watch over their children and accompany them to the beach, so as to avoid cases of drowning and assaults.

‘Parents should exercise vigilance, especially concerning the whereabouts of their children at all times,’ he added.

Mwiwawi also requested the media to be cautious on what they post on public platforms to avoid the spread of false information that may have serious repercussions on the safety of the people.

The manager for Mama Ngina Waterfront Ali Nuru welcomed Kenyans to the Mombasa international festivals, which he said will be thrilling as several activities will be taking place.

Nuru urged visitors to refrain from drinking and driving inside t
he park saying serious actions will be taken when one is found committing the two offences.

He said the event will boost local tourism, since it is happening during Christmas and New Year festivities when most people were on holiday.
Source: Kenya News Agency