Ivory Coast Times

Ivory Coast Times


Lawmaker Seeks NG-CDF-FKF Partnership For Grassroot Sports

Narok North Member of Parliament, Agnes Pareyio, wants the National Government-Constituency Development Fund (NG-CDF), to partner with The Football Kenya Federation (FKF), to boost sports at the grassroots among young people so as to nurture their talents and avoid being idle.

Pareyio was speaking during the launch of the Narok North NG-CDF partnership with the FKF tournament at the Maasai Mara University playground.

‘Currently, sporting activities are one way of earning a living, and many young people have benefited through sports,’ She added.

The legislator said that NG-CDF should factor sports so as to nurture natural talents among the young people at the grassroots.

‘When minds are busy and active, the youth will be more productive in society,’ said Pareyio.

The MP noted that when young people engage in sports, they will be kept away from engaging in anti-social activities, including crime, drug abuse, and alcohol.

Pareyio noted that less sporting activities are witnessed in rural areas as much attention is given to urban centres, hence the need to shift to the grassroots.

According to the lawmaker, only young people in urban centres have the opportunity to participate in sports activities, as many sponsors concentrate in towns, forgetting young people in the villages.

Two teams, Oloirrag Irrkeek FC from Melili Ward and Pulung’a FC from Narok Town Ward, opened the tournament at the Maasai Mara University playground.

The teams played 90 minutes without scoring any goals (0-0) and went to penalties despite Oloirrag Irrkeek FC winning 4: 2.

Narok Central Deputy County Commissioner, Kennedy Mwangome, echoed the sentiment of the lawmaker and said that sporting activities contributed to young people’s development. He added that sporting forums will help nurture talents at the grass-roots level.

Over 460 youths, both girls and boys, were expected to participate in the event that was just launched, with assurance from the MP that the tournament will continue in the future and that more clubs will be engaged.

Source: Kenya News Agency