Ivory Coast Times

Ivory Coast Times


Kakamega County Disability Caucus Undertakes PWDs Assessment In Lugari

About 1,000 Persons with disabilities (PWDs), yesterday, turned-up during a one-day disability medical assessment and registration exercise, at Lumakanda Grounds in Lugari Constituency.

According to Kakamega County Disability Caucus Chairlady, Lucy Mulombi, the exercise sponsored by CBM Global Disability Inclusion, targeted individuals who have not been able to access the assessment services, due to distance and cost.

‘The number that has turned-up for the free assessment exercise undertaken by medical personnel from Lumakanda Hospital and those from the National Council for Persons with Disabilities (NCPWD), is overwhelming.

‘Out of the large number, 400 are children. This is a confirmation that the exercise has been overdue for PWDs within Lugari Constituency,’ Mulombi said.

Mulombi attributed the large turn-up to the exercise being free and effective mobilization of the PWDs leadership at the grassroots.

She said in the past the numbers have been low due to parents hiding their children with disabili
ties at home, while a section of them lacked awareness.

The Chairlady disclosed that the assessment forms are set to be presented to the County Director of Medical Services, who will have a final say, before those confirmed to be disabled are given an okay, to upload the forms on the e-Citizen platform, awaiting to be issued with certificates.

She noted that those registered are nowadays issued with disability certificates and not cards as in the past.

Mulombi reminded the PWDs that it is only through acquiring the disability certificates, that they can benefit from the many opportunities the County and the National governments are currently offering.

The caucus Treasurer, Irene Susan Nanjala, said they will not relent in fighting for inclusivity in employment and any other sector for persons with disability.

She said they decided to bring the free assessment exercise to Lugari, because the PWDs in the Constituency have long been left out, owing to the cost implications of traveling to Kakamega Town.

oday we have brought the exercise to their doorstep, courtesy of CBM Global Disability Inclusion and the area Member of Parliament.

‘We also thank the County government, for releasing its medical officers, to come and assist us,’ she said, appealing to other leaders, to come out and support the persons with disabilities.

Kennedy Makokha and Lazarus Miti PWD representatives from Matete Sub-county lauded the caucus for organizing the free exercise, noting that the transport costs to Kakamega and the charges have been discouraging most of them, from going for assessment.

They reminded the caucus leadership that it should fast-track the registration process and not just allow their forms, to gather dust at the County Director of Medical Services office.

Miti expressed fears that a similar exercise was undertaken by the County government in 2016 but to date, they have never received any feedback.

Makokha told the caucus leadership that, it should ensure regional balance when recruiting PWDs representatives, t
o enable proper mobilization at the grassroots level.

Source: Kenya News Agency