Ivory Coast Times

Ivory Coast Times


Ivory Coast – AIP / Celebration of Excellence 2023: The best students of the schools of the Zinzenou village school group rewarded

The Kologo foundation has rewarded the best students from schools in the Zinzenou School Group, a village located a few kilometers from the town of Abengourou, on the initiative of the Mutuelle de développement du dit village ( MUDEZI), during the 2nd edition of the celebration of excellence, according to a press release sent to the AIP, Tuesday July 04, 2023.

The winners of the six different levels of the schools of the Groupe scolaire du village each received a school bag containing school supplies in addition to an honor roll as well as a medal and a trophy for having participated in a popular cross.

The pupil Akpo Ahonse Grâce Pamel, in CM2 class having obtained the mark of 155.37/170 points in the examination of the Certificate of Elementary Primary Studies (CEPE) was designated best pupil of the School Group and of the Féyassé canton and received the Special Prize of the Chief of Canton and the Special Zohe Bernard Prize endowed respectively with 100,000 F and 120,000 F CFA in addition to a trophy.

During this ceremony, the president of the mutual insurance company of Zinzenou (MDEZI), Dr. Kouakou Ernest, justified the ceremony of excellence by the fact that education remains a priority for his mutual insurance company. Hence the choice of theme, ”The school our priority” for the 2nd edition.

He also took the opportunity to recall some actions of the MUDEZI in favor of the school since 2015 including the rehabilitation of the school group and to express his gratitude to the teachers, actors of the success of their offspring.

The president of the Regional Council of Indénié-Djuablin, Wouadja Essay, president of the ceremony and the president of the Board of Directors of the Kologo Foundation, Harouna Kologo, sponsor, had at their side, the Sub-prefect of Yakassé – Féyassé , Bamba Chao as well as the chief of this village, Nanan Appéssèkon II, his notability and many sons and executives of the village.

The President of the Regional Council, Wouadja Essay noted the merit in the work of the trainers and congratulated the best students.

The Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Kologo Foundation and sponsor of the ceremony of excellence, Harouna Kologo, was delighted to have made these donations with the support of personalities including the Minister of the Budget and the portfolio of State, Moussa Sanogo, the Minister Director of Cabinet of the President of the Republic, Fidèle Sarassoro as well as anonymous people whom he thanked.

For him, this ceremony is an opportunity to call the sons and executives to union, cohesion and mutual aid, a guarantee of the development of the village. He hoped that excellence would extend to other areas to arouse emulation at various levels and promised to support the next edition, urging parents to better supervise children to ensure them a future. .

This ceremony of excellence is also an opportunity to honor the teachers including his teacher from the primary school in the Plateau d’Abengourou district present, he underlined.

The spokesperson for the recipients, expressed their gratitude to the teachers, the mutual insurance company and the parents, for this gesture which will remain engraved in the memories. And to emphasize that excellence has contributed to the improvement of academic results with a success rate of 98.36% at the CEPE session 2023.

Source: Agence Ivoirienne de Presse