Ivory Coast Times

Ivory Coast Times


Governor Ntutu warns motorists

Narok Governor Patrick Ntutu is now calling on motorists to be vigilant while driving along the highways so as to reduce the number of accidents.

The warning comes after four people, among them three foreigners and a Kenyan driver, died on the spot Monday in the Katakala area along the Narok-Bomet highway, while driving in a tour vehicle.

The accident occurred when the tour land cruiser attempted to overtake, but unfortunately collided head-on with an oncoming trailer, killing all the occupants on the spot.

While condoling with the families that have lost their dear ones, Ntutu called on drivers to exercise caution and observe all the traffic regulations to avoid such accidents.

The governor regretted the increased number of accidents in the area, recalling that in the previous month, two brothers died while riding their motorcycles in the Ntulele area of Narok East Sub County.

He therefore called on motorcycle riders to put on the recommended protective gear, like helmets and reflector jackets, in orde
r to protect lives and reduce the number of accidents.

On the other hand, the governor also called on wheat farmers to be watchful during this season of crop harvesting, as cases of robbery were being reported regularly.

Furthermore, he challenged the farmers to open bank accounts, where they can save their money instead of carrying all the money in their pockets, thus risking their lives.

This follows a recent incident where a prominent farmer was robbed of Sh100,000 after exposing his money to the public while in a nightclub.

‘Please be wary of strangers, who may be out to deceive you and get away with all your money, especially during this wheat harvesting season and high tourism peak season,’ he said.

The governor spoke after commissioning a health facility at Oldekesi Health Centre in Narok East Sub County, where he asked residents to shun dirty politics and embrace progressive politics so as to boost their livelihoods.

Source : Kenya News Agency