Ivory Coast Times

Ivory Coast Times


Government To Open Digital Hubs In Every Ward

Information Communications and the Digital Economy Cabinet Secretary (CS) Eliud

Owalo has said that the government is in the process of opening digital laboratories in every ward in a bid to equip the youths with the modern technology.

This is an initiative aimed at providing the youth with access to digital services, digital skills and opportunities to enable them take advantage of technology for job creation.

Owalo noted that the digital laboratories will be training centres where youths will be trained on technology as well as be connected to the online job markets as a way to tackle the unemployment among the youths.

Speaking at Tinderet Integrated and Technical Trainers College (TITTC) in Taptengelei, Tinderet sub County in Nandi after commissioning Konza Technopolis digital hub CS

Owalo said the ministry has commissioned 186 digital laboratories in different Technical and vocational Education Training (TVET) colleges in the Country.

We have managed to train 390,000 youths in the digital laboratori
es as well as managed to connect 135,000 jobs in the digital space for the youths. pointed Owalo adding that there are numerous job opportunities in the digital space.

According to Owalo, by equipping the youths with technology they will be able to revolutionalise the way the government is operating in future adding that all all government services moving forward will be available in the E-citizen platform.

When this government came to office only 350 services were available in the e-Citizen platform but so far over 15,000 services are on the same platform. The state is in the process of manufacturing cheap smart mobile phones to enable every Kenyan to be able to access e-Citizen services, explained the CS noting that the government is looking foward to turning this Country into a 24 hour economy.

He further said that the ministry is working around the clock to ensure all markets are connected with internet to enable those involved in iternerary trade can take part in e-commerce through virtue platforms sa
ying that it is no longer necessary to have a physical interface between seller and buyer of commodities.

Present at the same event Principal Secretary in the state department of ICT and the digital economy John Tanui said that the ministry is fast tracking internet connectivity to all government institutions so as to position this Country as a digital hub that can in return open quality high level jobs for talented youths.

Tanui called on youths to pay attention and utilize all digital infrastructures put in place by government to equip themselves with necessary knowledge that can enable them venture into the global digital job market.

The PS also lauded all partners working with the government to ensure digital infrastructures are set up and equipped across the Country.

This government want to transform our Country in such a way that it will attract more research companies. I want to call upon the youths to utilize the digital laboratories to acquire digital skills, said PS Tanui.

The sentiments were e
choed by Tinderet Constituency Member of Parliament Julius Melly who asked youths to avoid engeging in unnecessary activities like alcohol drinking but instead take advantage of the digital hubs to gain skills that can transform their lives.

Melly called on the ministry of Informstion Communicationsand the digital economy to makeTinderet Integrated and Technical Trainers College a regional training centre for ICT as a way to endure regular conferences on digital jobs.

I want to commend the sub County security team for ensuring there is no bars around this institution.All youths should take advantage of this facility to gain digital skill that can help them compete in the global digital job market, desist from unnecessary activities like alcohol drinking. said Melly.

Source: Kenya News Agency