Ivory Coast Times

Ivory Coast Times



OMARURU: In the vast expanse of Namibia’s Erongo Region lies a unique haven where history breathes and culture thrives.

Nestled amongst the Erongo Mountains, the Living Museum of the Ju/’Hoansi-San has since 2008 been inviting visitors to embark on a journey through time and tradition.

It offers an immersive experience and welcomes tourists, including local tourists, into a world where the echoes of the past resonate in the present.

Guided by the knowledgeable Xao Klaus, visitors are taken on a tour of the rich tapestry of the San people’s heritage.

Klaus during a recent familiarisation trip by the Namibia Tourism Board (NTB) for members of the local media and influencers explained that the museum stands as testament to the resilience and ingenuity of the Ju/’Hoansi-San, who have inhabited these lands for millennia.

Through interactive demonstrations and engaging storytelling, Klaus and his fellow guides offered a glimpse into the daily lives, customs, and traditions of their forefathers. From hunting te
chniques to intricate crafts, every aspect of San culture is brought to life with authenticity.

What sets the museum apart is not just its historical significance, but also its approach to preservation. Unlike static exhibits behind glass, the living museum gives visitors the opportunity to witness traditions in practice and engage directly with the community, allowing them to experience the past firsthand.

The museum is open 365 days a year and has steadily gained popularity among tourists seeking authentic cultural experiences. It’s favourable location, coupled with the warm hospitality of the San people, has made it a must-visit destination for travellers from around the world.

Its popularity has not gone unnoticed by the NTB, which is spearheading initiatives to promote domestic tourism. As part of a broader tourism revival effort, the NTB organised the familiarisation trip focusing on central and western Namibia for the local media and social media influencers to explore and showcase the hidden gems o
f the region, with the Living Museum of the Ju/’Hoansi-San featured on the itinerary as well.

By championing local establishments like the living museum, the NTB aims to foster sustainable tourism practices that benefit both visitors and host communities alike.

For Klaus and his fellow guides, the increased attention is a validation of their efforts to preserve and promote San culture. Beyond the economic benefits, they see tourism as a means of cultural exchange and mutual understanding. Each visitor who walks through the museum’s gates not only contributes to its sustainability, but also becomes a custodian of its legacy, carrying the stories and traditions of the Ju/’Hoansi-San to the rest of the world.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency