Ivory Coast Times

Ivory Coast Times


Easter Gifts For Narok East Residents

Over 1,000 families in Ntulele and Entashata locations in Narok East Sub-county have benefited from food donations from well-wishers during this Easter Holiday.

In Ntulele area, a prominent leader, Jeff Maathai, donated foodstuffs worth Sh. 1.3 million, to over 600 vulnerable families. The food included maize flour, beans and cooking fat.

Maathai said the initiative follows a prolonged dry spell that had been experienced in the area, saying though the rains had come, the people have not recovered from the effects of the dry season.

He spoke at the Ntulele Chief’s office ground, where hundreds of residents had gathered to receive the foodstuff.

Maathai took the opportunity to challenge the Narok County Government, to put up water projects in the area, so that the residents do not have to purchase the essential commodity at a high price.

He challenged the rich in the society to help the vulnerable families as many families slept on empty stomachs, yet there were other families within the same location who had more than enough food.

‘The Easter season reminds us of the love of Jesus on the cross. We should share the same love by reaching out to people who cannot afford basic commodities,’ he said.

A few kilometers from the Chief’s office, another group of people were receiving the Easter gifts at Entashata Calvary Baptist Church.

The Church Bishop, John Rampei, gave hundreds of families a bundle (12 packets) of two kilograms of maize flour, two kilograms of cooking fat and two kilogram of beans.

He said since the long dry spell started early this year, he has distributed food worth Sh. 43 Million to over 12, 000 residents of Kajiado West, North and Narok East, who were hardly hit by the drought.

Bishop Rampei lamented that many people could not make it to Church because of hunger, while a number of children remained at home while their colleagues went to school because of lack of food.

‘I have distributed food to over 12, 000 people because I know how painful it is for a family to spend hungry. I pray to God to continue providing me so that I can provide to those in need,’ he said.

The Easter season is a period where Christians in the whole world commemorate the crucifixion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Source: Kenya News Agency