Ivory Coast Times

Ivory Coast Times


County Commences Inspection Of Liquor Premises

Tharaka Nithi County Government and the national government have embarked on inspections of liquor business premises across its sub-counties to ensure safe and responsible drinking.

The exercise, led by county Deputy Governor Muisrael Nyaga, will ensure compliance with alcohol regulations and facilitate the issuing of 2024 licenses and permits.

Speaking at Kathwana in Igamba Ng’ombe sub-county, Nyaga said that a well-regulated liquor industry is important for the economic growth of the county, adding that the inspection will ensure businesses operate within the law while maintaining public safety and health.

The deputy governor disclosed that the inspection team will visit establishments that have applied for liquor licenses, appealing to business owners to provide full access to the premises.

The Chief Officer in Charge of Matters Relating to Alcohol Benson Njeru encouraged all liquor business license applicants to cooperate fully with the inspection teams to ensure a smooth licensing process.

On the ot
her hand, County Secretary Alexander Muratha, who chairs the County Liquor Licensing Committee, expressed the team’s commitment to observing fairness and transparency when issuing licences.

‘This is an opportunity to address any potential issues and ensure a smooth licensing process,’ he said.

‘As the chair of the County Liquor Licensing Committee, we are dedicated to ensuring that the licensing process is conducted with integrity and fairness to foster an environment that adheres to regulatory standards,’ he said.

Muratha assured that their commitment will ensure both the business and community will benefit in order to promote sufficient economic growth within the county.

The leaders warned business owners to avoid operating without a license as legal action will be taken against the offenders.

They urged all liquor establishments to cooperate fully and embrace responsible practices.

Source: Kenya News Agency