Ivory Coast Times

Ivory Coast Times


Côte d’Ivoire- / Signature of an agreement between ONECI and a company to facilitate the payment of enrollment stamps

The National Office for Civil Status and Identification (ONECI) and the company COLOW-SO Côte d’Ivoire signed an agreement on Wednesday, December 8, 2021 to facilitate the payment of stamps. ‘enrollment.

The act of materializing the convention took place in the premises of the general management of ONECI located in Abidjan-Plateau, reports an information note sent Thursday, December 9, 2021, to the AIP.

The Director General of ONECI, Sitionni Gnénin Kafana and the Director General of COLOW-SO Côte d’Ivoire, Guero Gbeuli, expressed their joy in uniting their intelligence in the service of the population.

“This signing of an agreement will promote the expansion and diversification of the methods of payment of enrollment fees in order to facilitate their access to the population,” said Mr. Kafana.

According to the director of ONECI, the establishment of the national register of natural persons which includes the renewal of national identity cards, the production of documents related to the identification of natural persons for both nationals and foreigners living or passing through Côte d’Ivoire requires measures to facilitate access to the populations of the services offered by ONECI.

“COLOW-SO now stands alongside ONECI for, among other things, the receipt of application fees for titles and other payment services, the registration of pre-enrollment information on the ONECI platform, the edition of the receipt of payment of enrollment fees integrating the QR code ”, explained its general manager, Guero Gbeuli.