Ivory Coast Times

Ivory Coast Times


Côte d’Ivoire-AIP/ Young people from Bongouanou urged to use the services of the Department of Youth Promotion

Bongouanou, Apr 4, 2022 (AIP) – The young people of Bongouanou are invited to visit the services of the Department of Youth Promotion, Professional Integration and Civic Service, in order to be informed about the many projects and training courses initiated by the government for them.

The appeal was launched by the Regional Director of Youth Promotion, Professional Integration and Civic Service, Appoline Kouakou, during an interview at the AIP, Thursday March 31, 2022, in Bongouanou, deploring that several projects remained without candidates or were abandoned, the young people preferring to indulge in clandestine gold panning.

The government, she pointed out, is making huge efforts to fund youth projects, with a view to empowering them.

The Moronou region has benefited from more than 2 billion FCFA of investment, in particular for the financing of the Agir projects in Arrah where 92 young people have been installed for nearly 432 million FCFA. As part of the Development Debt Reduction Contract (CDD), 631 million FCFA were given to the regional council for 1,240 beneficiaries.

At the community level, the complete rehabilitation of youth centers in Bongouanou and M’batto, the construction of youth centers in Assié-Koumassi and Assaoufoué, the provision of women in Andé, Arrah and Assié -Koumassi in sheds for their commercial activities, are among the achievements.

The Ministry of Youth Promotion and Youth Employment (MPJIPSC) is responsible for implementing and monitoring government policy on youth promotion and youth employment. He has the initiative and the responsibility of in particular implementing specific policies in favor of young people, of drawing up draft regulations for the promotion of young people and of defining and directing national policy on the employment of young people. .

Source: Agence Ivoirienne De Presse