Ivory Coast Times

Ivory Coast Times


Côte d’Ivoire-AIP/ Three young start-up leaders win the “Digital Generation” prize

Three young start-up leaders won the “Digital Generation” prize, during the 2nd edition of Cyber Africa forum, which was held from Monday May 9 to Tuesday May 10, 2022 at the Radisson Blu hotel located in Abidjan Port-Bouët.

These are Josué Romba and Suzanne Didia who won the gold palm worth five million CFA francs with a project called Africa Bounty, a platform for connecting African companies and computer security researchers. with the aim of finding vulnerabilities on production platforms for a fee.

The second prize, in the amount of two million CFA francs, went to Honoré Bega, for his Cybermuna project, a platform on media education and security in cyberspace for children, young people and the educational environment. .

As for Alexis Kondo, he won the third prize, amounting to one million CFA francs with his startup, Ransware, a system to react to ransomware attacks. It is a cryptographic solution that will protect the files on the information system against possible unauthorized modifications.

According to the president of the Digital Generation Foundation, Cédric Diarra, this competition makes it possible to invest in the young winners and to support them in structuring their project, leading them to develop and promote their startup.

The Digital Generation Foundation is a citizen organization dedicated to digital literacy and digital security. She has, to her credit, the creation of a digital security initiation center at the Bingerville orphanage equipped with computer equipment.

Source: Agence Ivoirienne de Presse