Ivory Coast Times

Ivory Coast Times


Côte d’Ivoire-AIP/ The regional council presents its mid-term report to the traditional chiefs of Dabou

Dabou, The President of the Grands Ponts Regional Council, Pr Sess Essiagne Daniel, presented on Sunday, January 23, 2022, his mid-term review of his term of office to the traditional chiefs of Dabou.

“The results of my exercise and my local development projects are justified, among other things, by the construction of schools, reshaped roads, projects for the autonomy of young people and women, the construction of completed buildings and support to the police”, noted Professor Sess.

According to him, all these achievements were possible thanks to the leadership of traditional chiefs, who succeeded in rallying all the populations to community causes. In this regard, he expressed his satisfaction to them, while urging them to continue to promote social cohesion and to become more involved in the works of their respective localities.

The traditional leaders reassured the president of the regional council of their commitment to the development of Dabou and the Grands Ponts.

Source: Agence Ivoirienne de Presse