Ivory Coast Times

Ivory Coast Times


Côte d’Ivoire-AIP/ The product quality and safety control campaign in industrial units launched

The Ministry of Commerce, Industry and the Promotion of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) launched on Friday March 24, 2023 a double campaign of inspection and control of product quality and safety in industrial units. The Director General of Industry, Tra Bi Emmanuel specified that the government’s objective through these various reforms is to ensure that industrial products intended for the market comply with quality standards in order to guarantee the health and consumer safety and also to ensure that companies as well as employees working in a secure and peaceful environment. For several months, the sworn inspectors of the Ministry of Commerce will carry out actions in the field to raise awareness among industrial companies on the respect of quality and industrial safety but also to sanction all offenses relating to non-compliance with regulatory provisions in terms of product quality and industrial safety. For the smooth running of the control and inspection missions within the industrial units, Mr. Tra Bi called on all companies to resolutely commit to strictly respecting product quality standards and to implementing all industrial safety regulations. He invited the sworn agents responsible for control and inspection in companies to show professionalism in the exercise of their missions by strictly respecting the rules and principles in the matter and to consumers to help teams to succeed in this campaign by denouncing all illicit and fraudulent practices in industrial production that could endanger the safety and health of populations. On December 13, 2013, the government adopted the law relating to standardization and the promotion of quality, the decree of December 28, 2013 of which makes the standards of 16 families of industrial products mandatory. As for industrial safety, the government created by interministerial decree n° 026 of April 12, 2022, the interministerial committee for safety inspection and control in industrial units. The adoption of this decree responds to the need to deal with the increasingly growing insecurity in the industrial environment, with in particular the upsurge in industrial accidents such as fires, explosions, disasters which cause significant human and material damage. , economic without forgetting the environmental impact.

Source: Agence Ivoirienne De Presse