Ivory Coast Times

Ivory Coast Times


Côte d’Ivoire-AIP / The populations of Sinfra invited to take ownership of the sixth-grade assignment operation

Sinfra, The people of Sinfra have been invited, to take ownership of the online operation, assignments in sixth grade and orientation in second grade, during an awareness meeting and information at the town hall of Sinfra.

“We must make sure to achieve zero percent omission among deserving students in the orientation assignment process,” said Friday, May 12, 2023, the secretary general of the regional directorate of national education and of literacy (DRENA) of Sinfra, Kadidiatou Soumahoro, representing the director Touré Mariam Sanogo.

Dame Soumahoro indicated the illiteracy of the populations, the numerical deficiencies linked to the telecommunication networks, the insufficiency of communication and information around this operation, the weak appropriation of this operation by the educational community and by populations, constitute many obstacles to be overcome in order to complete the operation.

The representative of the DRENA, invited everyone to become fully involved in the success and the success of this operation which can also be, according to her, the barometer of the vitality of school results in the department.

The rate of completion of the online assignment operation for sixth-grade students rose nationally from 85% in 2019 to 92.74% in 2022, compared to 87.26% to 91.20% in the DRENA of Sinfra, at the same time, informed the head of the orientations and assignments department at the Orientation and Scholarships Department (DOB), Guégo Rose Marie. She encouraged the players to continue efforts to reach 100%.

Launched in 2018, the process of assigning students to sixth grade by the parents of the students themselves is being extended to orientation in second grade during the 2022-2023 school year, with the support of the World Bank through the project to improve governance for the delivery of basic services to citizens (PAGDS).

Source: Agence Ivoirienne de Presse