Ivory Coast Times

Ivory Coast Times


Côte d’Ivoire-AIP/ The populations of Bregbo invited to respect the habits and customs for the interest of the community

Bingerville, The sub-prefect of Bingerville, Koné Kapie, invited, Thursday, May 11, 2023, the populations of the village of Bregbo to respect the habits and customs for the preservation of the agreement within the community, during his tour to make contact with them, in the presence of the heads of administrative services.

‘Dear populations, a chief cannot achieve unanimity in a village. But once the habits and customs have been respected, whatever your rank, you must submit. I invite you to comply with them, to respect them and to be part of the dynamics of the discipline, ‘advised Mr. Koné.

He considered that, given the mode of designation of chief, specific to each people, of course in the light of the established rules, the problems of chieftaincy noted could not be the fault of the administration which comes only to ratify this choice. by issuing and granting a prefectural order.

Thus, these conflicts are rather attributable to a segment of the population that refuses to submit to the established order.

He challenged the head of Bregbo, Atcho Félix, to show impartiality in the resolution and management of the problems of the community which will be brought to his attention, and above all to favor the path of dialogue, the only guarantee to preserve the agreement.

With regard to land, the backbone of conflicts in Atchan land, he advocated management with strong actions for the general interest by principles by constituting reserves for future generations.

Source: Agence Ivoirienne de Presse