Ivory Coast Times

Ivory Coast Times


Côte d’Ivoire-AIP/ The population of Niakara educated on the laws adopted in the National Assembly

The deputy of Niakara-Tortiya-Arikokaha (Centre-north, Hambol region), Catherine Koné explained and returned to the population of her constituency the laws adopted in the Ivorian hemicycle over the past two years to local populations, during a Day organized on Saturday April 01, 2023.

This initiative, intended mainly for traditional chiefs, religious guides, heads of associations and socio-professional groups as well as directors and heads of departments, was carried out in the company of his colleagues from the districts of Ouangolodougou (Tchologo Region) and Gonaté-Bédiala-Gadouan (Upper Sassandra).

The deputy of Gonaté-Gadouan-Bédiala, Michel Tibouet Tchin, invited in the same way as his counterpart from Ouangolodougou, Drissa Traoré, explained and reviewed several laws adopted by the Ivorian National Assembly from 2021 to 2022.

These laws relate to vocational education and higher education, scientific research and innovation, the mining code, the legal regime of audio-visual communication, marriage and driving license with points as well as the Independent Electoral Commission (CEI).

“We worked for two years in the National Assembly of Côte d’Ivoire. We passed laws and it was essential for me to come back to you, my constituents, to explain to you the work that has been done. Because it is in your name that I sit in the National Assembly. It is important to come and give you feedback on this work,” said Koné Cathérine.

The deputies urged the people to truly appropriate the laws voted by the parliamentarians and to respect them scrupulously but also and above all to explain them to the citizens absent at this meeting so that they know how to behave in society.

Source: Agence Ivoirienne de Presse