Ivory Coast Times

Ivory Coast Times


Côte d’Ivoire-AIP/ The new president of the Union of large companies reveals his priorities

The new president of the Union of Large Industrial Companies of Côte d’Ivoire (UGE-CI), Eric Thiam Sabates, unveiled his priorities on Friday March 17, 2023, during the passing of the torch with his predecessor, Jean Louis Menudier. “I will be part of the continuity of what our elders have achieved, that is to say the founders, 16 years ago, to perpetuate and project themselves forward,” said Mr. Thiam at the end of the ceremony. With his office, he promises to consult all the members of the UGE-CI in order to deliver a strategic plan, a three-year vision, to define a clear roadmap with success indicators. The president of the UGE-CI has made a commitment to inscribe the priorities around essential principles, namely to defend the interests of its members and to take ownership of the National Development Plan (PND 2021-2025) of the Côte d’ Ivory. “The development of the industry is not solely based on attracting new investors, but the strategy must be based on what already exists, ie the players who are there. They already know the terrain. The biggest investors exist among us. We believe that we must create the environment and facilitate the ecosystem so that they can invest more,” he advocated. Eric Thiam Sabates is a graduate of McGill and Concordia University in Canada. He has obtained several degrees and certificates in management from universities based in the United Kingdom, Spain and Beijing (China). To date, he has accumulated more than 20 years of professional experience in the industry and the consumer goods industry, within multinational companies and international subsidiaries. With more than 45,000 direct jobs, more than 2,000 billion FCFA in consolidated turnover, the UGE-CI brings together 29 large industrial member companies, operating in various sectors of industry (agro-industry, food industry, cement works, breweries, steel works, cement works, flour mills, etc.).

Source: Agence Ivoirienne De Presse