Ivory Coast Times

Ivory Coast Times


Côte d’Ivoire-AIP/ The new central chief of the Odiennéka of Yopougon invested

Songon, El Hadj Bamba Brahima Fabrè was invested in Yopougon Port Bouët 2, in his new role as central chief of the Odiennéka residing in the commune of Yopougon, in the pure tradition of this community.
Several elected officials, executives, community leaders, religious guides and leaders of national associations as well as a human tide, all from Denguélé (North-West Ivorian) mobilized on Saturday January 22, 2022 in Port-Bouët 2, to give a solemn stamp to the event.
The Minister-Governor of the Autonomous District of Denguélé, Gaoussou Touré, accompanied by a large delegation of executives and elected officials from his region, including Ministers Adama Koné, Diakité-Coty Souleïmane, Mayor Sita Ouattara, hailed the symbol represented by this ceremony, the union of the daughters and sons of Denguélé. He insisted on the fight against poverty which must be everyone’s real fight.
For his part, the representative of the mayor of Yopougon, Issifou Coulibaly welcomed the initiative of union and solidarity of the Odiennéka people who knew how to gather behind the patriarch El Hadj Bamba Brahima Fabré, before congratulating him.

El Hadj Bamba Fabrè succeeds El Hadj Fah Touré, who died recently. His enthronement took place in a festive atmosphere punctuated by religious rites and demonstrations of dances from the rich Odiennéka heritage, followed by other cultural performances, tributes and speeches.

Source: Agence Ivoirienne de Presse