Ivory Coast Times

Ivory Coast Times


Côte d’Ivoire-AIP/ The national textbook scholarship project launched in Bouaflé

The National Textbook Scholarship project (BONAMAS) was launched on Friday, October 14, 2022, at the BIA college in Bouaflé.

Initiated by the Ivorian government, this loan-rental project for textbooks to lower secondary students in public and private establishments aims to improve school results, according to the head of the Pedagogy and Continuing Education Antenna ( APFC) of Bouafle, Zana Silue.

Subscription to the BONAMAS system is 10,000 CFA francs, payable online at the start of the school year. This subscription, which is not compulsory, entitles you to a kit comprising eight textbooks in the essential disciplines.

This is the textbook for French, English, mathematics, physics-chemistry, life and earth sciences (SVT), history-geography, human rights education and Citizenship (EDHC), Information and Communication Technology (TICE).

The BONAMAS project is starting this 2022-2023 school year with a pilot phase in 33 establishments, including 22 public and 11 private. For this pilot phase, 40,000 textbooks have been made available to the selected establishments, including the BIA college in Bouaflé, and concern students in the 6th grade .

“That the parents of students understand that this is in the interest of our children. I will be told, here is an additional contribution. It is not an additional contribution but it is 10,000 francs to pay to have textbooks which could have cost 60,000 or 70,000 francs”, underlined the regional director of National Education and Literacy (DRENA) of Bouaflé , Cina Ouattara.

He urged the parents of students to join massively in this project to allow their children to be better equipped to obtain better school results.

“Subscription is not compulsory but for this school which was chosen I would like all the pupils of the 6th year to be able to have these manuals, I ask for it and I insist (…) All the pupils must have the same chance of success”, indicated Mr. Ouattara, inviting the parents of pupils to help their offspring to properly maintain these manuals.

“Your responsibility is to help the child protect this book. This book belongs to him this year but it will belong to those who come next year. In case of loss, you must pay 2000 f to allow the ministry to be able to replace it, ”he warned.

18% of 6th graders had at least one textbook during class, according to statistics produced by the regional directorates of National Education and Literacy in 2021.

Source: Agence Ivoirienne de Presse