Ivory Coast Times

Ivory Coast Times


Côte d’Ivoire-AIP/The insurer Prudential PLC achieves higher performance across all of its activities

The insurer Prudential PLC reports good performance on the rise across all of its activities in 2022.

According to its activity report submitted to the AIP, the company’s APE revenue increased by 9% (5%) to reach $4,393 million, thanks to the growth in the revenue of the agencies and bancassurance in the second half of 2022.

Adjusted operating income increased 8% (4%) to $3,375 million, EEV operating income increased 15% to $3,952 million. Shareholders’ equity is $42.2 billion, equivalent to 1,534 cents per share and GWS shareholders’ capital excess over GPCR of $15.6 billion, equivalent to a coverage ratio of 307% 6 (2021: 320% 7 ).

Free operating surplus generated by life and asset management activities up 9% to $2,193 million.

2022 was the first full year for the group as a business focused on Asia and Africa.

“The results reflect the benefit of our diversified business model in Asia, highlighted by a balanced contribution to APE revenue and new business profit from Hong Kong, Mainland China, Taiwan, South -East Asia, including Singapore, Indonesia and Malaysia,” explained group director Anil Wadhwani.

He said the lifting of most Covid-19 related restrictions in the region and the gradual opening up of mainland China’s economy means that 2023 is off to a good start with encouraging progress in year-on-year sales. the other, with group-wide APE sales for the two months ending February 2023 up 15% year-on-year.

In Hong Kong, there has been a gradual increase in cross-border traffic from mainland China as travel restrictions are eased.

Demand for savings products across the Hong Kong business is driving the increase in APE sales in the first two months of 2023.

Prudential plc offers life and health insurance and asset management services in 23 markets in Asia and Africa (as of December 31, 2022).

Source: Agence Ivoirienne de Presse