Ivory Coast Times

Ivory Coast Times


Côte d’Ivoire-AIP/ The importance of the revision of the electoral list explained in Bongouanou

Bongouanou, The supervisor of the electoral commission (CEI) in charge of the regions of Moronou, N’zi, Iffou, and Indenié Djouaglin, Émile Ebrotié, explained the importance of the revision of the electoral list, Wednesday, November 16 in Bongouanou.

The revision makes it possible to update the electoral list, explained Mr. Ebrotié during a meeting held in the presence of prefectural, customary and religious authorities, elected officials, political party leaders and members of civil society.

This operation is carried out each year and concerns new adults and all persons fulfilling the conditions and having expressed the desire to add their names to the electoral list. It also allows women who have changed their status and voters who have changed their place of residence to modify their personal data, he explained.

The supervisor responsible for the Moronou region specified that the operation is taking place throughout the territory from November 19 to December 10 and from November 29 to December 10 for Ivorians in the diaspora. In addition, all polling places will be selected as places for revising the list of electors thanks to mobile teams.

Source: Agence Ivoirienne De Presse