Ivory Coast Times

Ivory Coast Times


Côte d’Ivoire-AIP/ The farm gate price of cashew nuts set at 305 CFA francs (Council of Ministers)

Abidjan, Jan 26, 2022 (AIP) – The mandatory floor price for cashew nuts has been set at 305 CFA francs for the 2022 campaign, the opening of which is scheduled for February 04, said the spokesperson of the Government, Coulibaly Amadou, at the end of the Council of Ministers, Wednesday January 26, 2022, in Abidjan.

In total, 1,040,000T of cashew nuts are expected for the year 2022, which would represent a quarter of world production, noted Mr. Coulibaly who indicated that the other floor prices are respectively 330 CFA francs / kg at the store. interior, 359 F CFA/kg at the factory store and 389 F CFA/kg at the port store.

According to him, compliance with the minimum farm gate price set at 305 in 2020 has allowed a 14% increase in the income of cashew producers, rising from 297 billion CFA francs distributed in the sector to 339 billion CFA francs for the year 2021.

The spokesperson recalled the national production of cashew nuts which reached for the 2021 balance sheet, 968,676 T, an increase of 14% compared to the year 2020 which had recorded a production of 848,700 T.

Côte d’Ivoire is the leading cashew nut processing country in Africa and the third in the world in 2021 with 136,854 T processed, while maintaining its position as world leader in the production and export of raw cashew with 805,748,000 T exported.

“This testifies to the success of the entire cashew nut processing policy which is in place and which is globally in line with the policy of the Head of State to transform our economy through industrialization”, a- he points out.

Source: Agence Ivoirienne de Presse