Ivory Coast Times

Ivory Coast Times


Côte d’Ivoire-AIP/ The directors and department heads of Odienné breathe new life into their friendship

Odienné, The directors and department heads of Odienné gave new impetus to the association bringing them together, with the revision of certain provisions of the statutes and regulations, and the election of the president, Wednesday January 26, 2022.

The friendly, a space in particular for exchanges and a tool for active solidarity between officials from both the public, semi-public and private sectors, stationed in Odienné, has known, for a while, a wavering at the level of animation.

The prefect of the Kabadoudougou region, prefect of Odienné, Famy Kouamé René, decided to revitalize the tool, to make it a pillar of its governance, in view of its “importance”

“According to the reports presented to us, between 2018 and 2020, out of around sixty members, only three were up to date with their dues. This was proof of a general lack of motivation. It is in this context that we have decided to do everything we can to ensure that we (directors and heads of departments) resume good habits, by reviving our friendship. The statutes and the rules give us the importance of having this friendly ”, he located, at the start of the work of revising the texts.

The directors and department heads of Odienné, gathered in large numbers at the meeting room of the prefecture, notably revised the social benefits offered by the association and the corresponding levels of financial support. Also, the amounts of membership and dues.

The association was also renamed and now bears the name Association of Directors and Heads of Service of Odienné (ADICSO).

The vote which followed the grooming of the texts renewed, for two other years of mandate, the outgoing president, Sylla Brahima, principal of the modern high school 2. The regional director of Solidarity and the Fight against poverty, Tialadjo Soro and that Sports Mamadou Tangara were elected auditors.

Source: Agence Ivoirienne de Presse