Ivory Coast Times

Ivory Coast Times


Côte d’Ivoire-AIP/ Students of the Alani de Béoumi college urged to work

Béoumi, March 22, 2022 (AIP)- The Regional Director of National Education and Literacy of Bouaké 2 (DRENA-Bouaké 2), Angèle Coffie, on Friday March 18, 2022 urged the students of Alani College in Béoumi to work relentlessly in order to obtain better academic results at the end of the year.

Mrs. Coffie, who chaired the day of excellence organized within this private secondary school for general, technical and vocational education, took the opportunity to congratulate its managers who thus intend to create a healthy competition between the pupils in order to encourage them to work.

“These mid-term rewards are beneficial especially since they will galvanize those who are struggling to lift their heads. I would like to congratulate the officials of Alani College in Béoumi, hoping that this ceremony of excellence will give better results in the end-of-year exams,” she said.

The first two of each class were awarded during this day of excellence. The four best among them received the super awards of excellence making them the champions of the establishment.

These are, in particular, students Kouassi Kouadio Jospin (1st cycle), Yao Assassi Mermoz (2nd cycle), Ago Yao Wilfried (Technical education) and Akoumia Kouamé Ferdinand (Vocational education). They each received a bicycle as a reward for their effort. This device should allow them to be always punctual at school.

Teachers and educators were not forgotten in this celebration of excellence. The best among them were also rewarded to encourage them to always perform well in their tasks of teaching and supervising students.