Ivory Coast Times

Ivory Coast Times


Côte d’Ivoire-AIP / Minister Adama Kamara hands over rolling stock to Madinani’s RHDP secretaries

Madinani, Jan 22, 2022 (AIP) – The Minister of Employment and Social Protection, Adama Kamara, presented, on Friday January 21, 2022, ten two-wheeled vehicles to secretaries of sections of the Rally of Houphouetists for Democracy and Peace (RHDP) of the department of Madinani.

This equipment, consisting only of motorcycles, will be used to strengthen the operational capacities of the secretaries in the activities of the presidential party, he explained.

The secretaries of Bouroumasso, Dabadougou, Dienguélé, Fandasso, Gbondiédougou, Kadiasso, Séguébé, Tiébala, Tora and Zéguétiéla were the beneficiaries of this first wave presented in the presence of the deputy of N’douci, Charles Gnaoré.

The RHDP secretary of Tiébala, Sangaré Mamadou, on behalf of the beneficiaries, welcomed this gesture, adding that these machines will allow the troops to carry out their missions on the ground and facilitate the distribution of the national identity card (CNI) to the activists in view of the upcoming deadlines.

The delivery of gear is a promise made by Minister Adama Kamara to a grievance issued by party secretaries during a courtesy visit to his parents, Wednesday, December 29, 2021, at the multipurpose center of Madinani.

Source: Agence Ivoirienne de Presse