Ivory Coast Times

Ivory Coast Times


Côte d’Ivoire-AIP / LONACI / COMICI partnership: Yamoussoukro will be enriched with a health infrastructure thanks to Miss Olivia Yacé

The health district of Yamoussoukro will soon be enriched with a new health infrastructure which will be called “Olivia Yacé”, named after Miss Côte d’Ivoire 2021, as part of the renewed partnership in 2020 between the National Lottery of Côte d’Ivoire (LONACI) and the Miss Côte d’Ivoire Committee (COMICI).

Received Wednesday, May 11, 2022 at the LONACI headquarters, in Marcory (South Abidjan), less than two months after her coronation as 2nd Dauphine in the Miss World contest organized on March 16 in Puerto Rico, Olivia Yacé, surrounded by her two Dauphines , Fatima Mourad and Attié Kenza, expressed her gratitude to LONACI for its commitment and the support it has provided to the Miss Côte d’Ivoire competition for several years.

“Today, I have an additional reason, and not the least, to say thank you (…) for the priceless donation offered to the locality of Yamoussoukro, for the construction of a health center which will bear the name Olivia Yacé”, declared the 3rd most beautiful girl in the world, rejoicing in the fact that “it is Côte d’Ivoire which is ultimately the beneficiary of this generosity”.

On behalf of COMICI, the Secretary General, Thierry Coffie, testified to the journey that the Committee has had with LONACI since the beginning of this adventure dedicated to Ivorian beauty. He exalted the convergence of views between the two structures, which made it possible to strengthen their partnership, thanks to the insight of the director general of the state-owned company, Dramane Coulibaly.

“In this improved partnership, the Queen of Ivorian beauty now plays the role of development agent which fits with the civic mission of our company”, added the CEO of LONACI. Thus, it is up to her Foundation to carry out a social work in a locality chosen by the Miss in the region where she was pre-selected and which will bear her name.

Miss Côte d’Ivoire 2020, Maryline Kouadio had chosen the village of Nanglais (department of Sakassou), for the construction of a health center which will be officially inaugurated on May 21. As for Olivia Yacé, she chose the construction of a health center in Gohokro (Yamoussoukro), suggested the SG of COMICI.

Source: Agence Ivoirienne de Presse