Ivory Coast Times

Ivory Coast Times


Côte d’Ivoire-AIP/ Les populations d’Alépé invités à assainir leur environnement

Alépé, Apr 04, 2022 (AIP) – The populations of Alépé were invited to clean up their environment during the health day organized by the Network of executives of the Mé region (RECAME).

This salubrity day consisted in purifying the main arteries and the administrative services that are the prefecture, the sub-prefecture, the general hospital and the town hall.

“A healthy environment guarantees good health. This requires everyone to make their living environment clean by getting rid of garbage, grass, insects and reptiles,” said RECAME coordinator Dominique Aiba on Saturday April 02, 2022.

According to a resident of Alépé, Apo Ali, such initiatives are to be encouraged because they make the city look good. He urged other structures and associations to follow suit for the cleanliness of the city.

Source: Agence Ivoirienne De Presse