Ivory Coast Times

Ivory Coast Times


Côte d’Ivoire-AIP/ Le président des jeunes de N’gattadolikro tué dans un accident

The president of the youth of the village of N’gattadolikro, Konan Koffi Théodore, was killed in a traffic accident five kilometers from Tiébissou, on the night of Friday 26 to Saturday 27 November 2021.

Konan Koffi was attempting to overtake on a motorcycle when he was struck by an oncoming vehicle, eyewitness Ouattara Aliou said. He subsequently found himself under the wheels of the semi-trailer he was passing.

The youth president died during his evacuation at the Bouaké CHU.

The police opened an investigation in order to determine the exact circumstances of this accident which particularly grieves the population of N’gattadolikro.

Source: Agence Ivoirienne de Presse