Ivory Coast Times

Ivory Coast Times


Côte d’Ivoire-AIP/ Le préfet de Grand-Bassam invite les populations à s’approprier les nouveaux procédés d’affectation et d’orientation en ligne en 6e et en seconde

The Secretary General 2 of the prefecture, Touré Djamatigui, invited the populations, mainly the parents of students, to take ownership of the new online assignment processes for students in 6th and 6th grade. orientation in 2nd grade in Côte d’Ivoire, during an information and awareness session, organized by the Orientations and Scholarships Department.

“I invite the parents of pupils to take ownership of this new tool for assigning pupils in 6th grade and orientation in second online to better follow their children and help them to continue their education”, launched Touré Djamatigui who represented the prefect of the department.

The regional director of National Education and Literacy, Bandelé Yssouf, indicated that it is a question of breaking with the old practice to adapt to the digital age.

The director of orientations and scholarships, Soukoulé Karidja Koné congratulated the DRENA for having made the exception among the 41 directions in Côte d’Ivoire by obtaining 95% orientation in 2nd in 2022.

In addition, still in terms of digital reforms, she announced that from now on student scholarships will be paid by “Mobile Money”.

Source: Agence Ivoirienne de Presse