Ivory Coast Times

Ivory Coast Times


Côte d’Ivoire-AIP/Laurent Tchagba promet des appuis pour l’autonomisation des femmes de Marcory

The official candidate of the Rally of Houphouetists for Democracy and Peace (RHDP), Laurent Tchagba for the municipal elections of September 02, 2023 in Marcory, has decided to organize the women of the commune and fund for their empowerment.

Mr. Tchagba made this promise on Saturday May 13, 2023, during a meeting with the populations of the Marie Koré district of Marcory.

‘I am counting on you to succeed in the challenge of empowerment. Be prepared so that when the time comes, this money will be used wisely in your income-generating activities. It is money that we do not share, we take it to work, ‘advocated the candidate of the presidential party.

He recalled having implemented a similar program in Attécoubé, his native commune. On the strength of the encouraging results observed in several households, the deputy for Attécoubé undertakes to reproduce the same system in Marcory for the well-being of the populations.

In addition to these resources, he promises to seek the services of the First Lady to enable several women to benefit from the Support Fund for Women in Côte d’Ivoire (FAFCI).

Laurent Tchagba says he is counting on all the communities to succeed in this mission. He also called for the union of the entire population to propel economic development and contribute to their social well-being in Marcory and put women first.

At the youth level, he once promised business to set up ”the house of employment” to list every skill in the different fields and give training and qualifications to those who do not benefit from it. to give them every chance of integration.

This plan, he said, is part of the vision of the President of the Republic to make 2023 the year of youth by strengthening and accelerating the support system for young people.

The RHDP candidate asked the entire population of Marcory to occupy the land with the aim of allowing him, on the evening of September 2, to have in hand the instrument of local development which is the town hall.

The departmental of the RHDP of Marcory, Georges Yves Monney told the candidate Laurent Tchagba that he is a great hope for the development and well-being of all the populations of Marcory.

Source: Agence Ivoirienne de Presse