Ivory Coast Times

Ivory Coast Times


Côte d’Ivoire-AIP La sous-préfecture de Kpouébo appelle Ahoussou-kouadio à porter ses projets de développement

The spokesperson for the populations of the Kpouèbo sub-prefecture, Simplice Konan, called on the President of the Senate, Jeannot Ahoussou-kouadio, to bring his main development expectations during a large meeting organized on Saturday April 15, 2023.

The populations of our region know you, they know your intrinsic capacities, your commitment to serving your brothers and sisters, underlined Simplice Konan to express the confidence that his parents of Adaou, Akakro, Assakra, Dida Blé, Dida kouadiokro, Dida n’Glosso, Dida Yaokro, Kalékoua, Kpouèbo, Moronou, Oussou place in their host of the day.

According to their spokesperson, several of these localities still experience difficulties in accessing drinking water, especially during the dry season and when human-powered pumps break down.

In terms of health infrastructure, the problem of the geographical accessibility of health centers is still topical there because “the health coverage of several of our villages is still a matter of great concern”.

The populations of the sub-prefecture are also waiting for the tarring of the Moronou – kpouèbo axis as far as Loukou-yaokro. This achievement will allow, on the one hand, parents to circulate in complete safety and, on the other hand, to support the development of the area which constitutes one of the agricultural lungs of the department of Toumodi and the Bélier region through the importance of food crops in particular”.

Source Agence Ivoirienne de Presse