Ivory Coast Times

Ivory Coast Times


Côte d’Ivoire-AIP/Inter/ ECOWAS condemns coup attempt in Burkina Faso (Communiqué)

Abidjan, The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) has protested against “the attempted coup” in Burkina Faso, which since Sunday January 23, 2022 has suffered , the effects of a mutiny that broke out in several barracks in the country.

In a press release published Monday, January 24 and transmitted to the AIP, the West African institution “condemns this extremely serious act which cannot be tolerated with regard to the relevant regulatory provisions”.

ECOWAS “holds the military responsible for the physical integrity of President Roch Marc Christian Kaboré”.

She “asks the military to return to the barracks, to maintain a republican posture and to favor dialogue with the authorities to solve the problems”.

Detained in a barracks in Ouagadougou, according to international media, President Roch Marc Kaboré “invites those who have taken up arms to lay them down” and “advocates dialogue and listening”, in a message on Twitter.

Source: Agence Ivoirienne de Presse