Ivory Coast Times

Ivory Coast Times


Côte d’Ivoire-AIP/ Food vendors in Tiébissou schools subjected to a medical examination

Tiébissou, Apr 04, 2022 (AIP) – The doctor of the Regional Center for Mutual Funds and Social Works in Schools (CREMOSS) in Yamoussoukro, Dr Adjé Leaticia, carried out a medical examination of 44 food vendors from schools in Tiebissou.

This routine examination, which took place on Tuesday March 29, 2022 at the Lycée moderne Coffi Gadeau, makes it possible to detect the transmissible pathologies that the traders could hide. It therefore aims to protect students and supervisory staff, their main customers.

The medical visit is also an opportunity for Dr Adjé to communicate on hygiene measures and prohibited foods such as dairy products.

Source: Agence Ivoirienne De Presse