Ivory Coast Times

Ivory Coast Times


Côte d’Ivoire-AIP/ Development of 1000 ha of land for the cultivation of rice and soybeans in Denguélé in 2023

The Autonomous District of Denguélé will develop 1000 ha of land for the cultivation of rice and soybeans, as part of its projects for 2023.

Minister Governor Gaoussou Touré gave the information during the first 2023 session of the district council.

The two regions forming the territorial entity, Kabadougou and Folon, for five areas, namely Kimbirila-Sud (250 ha), Sanaférédougou (250 ha), Kamagbé (250 ha), Kimbirila Nord (250ha) will benefit from the project.

The Autonomous District of Denguélé makes the development of agriculture the central pillar of its action supported by the objective of forming “one of the richest areas of the country by 2030” through the rational exploitation of its “huge potential”, in the matter.

“The operationalization of the strategic plan will be based on six axes, including the development of subsistence agriculture, livestock farming, agro-industry, with a view to making the district one of the major cereal granaries of Côte d’Ivoire. . We have a significant potential which amounts to more than 100,000 ha of plains and lowlands and if the State manages to provide us with water, it is certain that we will make a significant contribution to achieving self-sufficiency. of the Ivory Coast in all cereals, in particular rice”, recalled Mr. Touré, during the session.

He informed of the construction of four dams, for the irrigation of 825 ha of cultivable land in three localities.

“At the same time, we are going to prepare the 2024 program for the irrigation of 10,000 ha. In the master plan, it will be a question of seeing with the State so that each year we can take advantage of 10,000 ha of irrigation until the 100,000 ha that we need are irrigated”, further indicated the Minister Governor of Denguélé.

He reiterated the district’s objective to produce by 2030, “at least one million tons of rice” for a projected gain of 150 billion CFA francs for farmers.

“That’s why we always announce that it’s agriculture that will get us out of extreme poverty and that will allow Denguélé to be among the richest in Côte d’Ivoire,” insisted Gaoussou. Toure.

The first 2023 session of the Denguélé district council, following the inaugural session held on December 28, 2022, which devoted the establishment of the district bodies and the adoption of the texts governing their operation, mobilized, in addition to the members, numerous populations, led by the administrative and customary authorities, elected officials and executives.

Source: Agence Ivoirienne de Presse