Ivory Coast Times

Ivory Coast Times


Côte d’Ivoire-AIP/ Artisanal fishermen of Grand Lahou called to organize themselves

Administrative authorities of Grand Lahou and officials of the cooperative of artisanal fishermen of Grand Lahou, called ”SCOOP-WALLÊ” have invited all the fishermen of the department to join the companies cooperatives, in order to better organize their activities and be more efficient.

The authorities made this exhortation on Friday October 14, 2022, during the ordinary general meeting of the SCOOP-WALLÊ cooperative. The sub-prefect of Grand Lahou, Roland Gogo, indicated that there are many challenges that one manages to meet when one is organized. “Get together in a cooperative society to implement all your projects,” advised the state representative.

The president of the cooperative, Michel Segui, invited all artisanal fishermen to register in the cooperative, in order to benefit from certain advantages linked to the activity. “When we get together, we can benefit from certain financing and training that will help make our activity professional,” Mr. Segui stressed.

The Departmental Director of Animal and Fisheries Resources, Emmanuel Gogbeu, also urged fishermen to organize themselves to establish contact with the administration and receive training, in order to improve their activities. “Get organized and work for good fishing practices and get out of the precarious phase,” Mr. Gogbeu advised artisanal fishermen.

The SCOOP-WALLÊ cooperative society was created in 2014 and includes 800 members in the artisanal fishing sector in Grand Lahou. It has an annual production of 3000 tons of fish.

Source: Agence Ivoirienne de Presse