Ivory Coast Times

Ivory Coast Times


Côte d’Ivoire-AIP/ Approved assessment of the 10 years of operation of the NGO Charité Vie in San Pedro

San Pedro, The members of the NGO Charité Vie approved the report of the ten years of exercise presented by the executive management, during the ordinary general meeting held on Saturday January 22, 2022 in San Pedro.

The moral report highlights the various projects implemented by the NGO Charité Vie with its own funds and with the financial and technical support of various partners.

From 2011 to 2019, Charité Vie implemented several projects in the fight against HIV/AIDS in the health districts of San Pedro and Soubré. Prevention activities through sensitization and screening have reached a total of 7,203 people across all of the NGO’s intervention sites. Care and various supports were provided to thousands of orphans and children made vulnerable by HIV/AIDS (OVC) in the two health districts.

The NGO has also carried out a project relating to the rights of the child in the cocoa business sector with the technical support of Save the Children International within the framework of the five-year project called “Sida CSO Appropriation Grant 2017-2021”.

The project has made it possible to set up frameworks for exchanges between businesses and communities on the impact of business activities on children. At this level, the actions of the NGO also contributed to the revitalization of the existing child protection platform and the establishment of child protection committees in the localities of project interventions.

Charité Vie also carried out awareness-raising activities on gender-based violence (GBV) in 2010 in the sub-prefecture of Gabiadji (in Boignykro), and organized a Christmas tree (in 2012) for 200 vulnerable children in the city of San Pedro.

Since its creation, the NGO has provided support to 35 vulnerable families. She participated in the education, professional integration and health care of 45 vulnerable children.

For the realization of all its activities, Charité Vie mobilized from 2010 to 2021, 386,638,848 FCFA including 38,513,230 FCFA of equity (i.e. 10% of the total).

The Chairman of the Board of Directors (PCA) of the NGO Charité Vie, Dr Kouassi Yann, pharmacist by profession, is delighted with the results obtained by his organization in ten years. “The NGO is doing well. This was materialized by the acquisition of its own headquarters. And we believe that this will be a plus to bring confidence to the various donors who have trusted us before.

Created in 2010 in San Pedro, Charité Vie is a non-profit organization. It has set itself the objective of contributing to the improvement of the living environment and the well-being of the population by organizing communities in actions to promote human rights. Its vision is to offer a better world and ensure that the voices of vulnerable populations, specifically those of women and children, are heard and taken into account. It brings children in difficulty a glimmer of hope.

The general assembly was also marked by the renewal of bodies and the distinction of legal and physical persons who contributed to the growth of the NGO.

Source: Agence Ivoirienne de Presse